About this website

This website is curated by the Participation, Inclusion and Social Change cluster at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS).

The cluster collaborates with the University of Sussex on their commitment to participatory and community-led research and this website has received contributions of content and funding by the Sussex Participatory Research Network and the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Impact Acceleration Account (IAA).

The Participatory Methods website is one of our oldest websites at IDS (over 20 years old), and has been funded in the past by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.

We redeveloped the website and structure in autumn 2024.

Many IDS colleagues have contributed to the website over the years as it has grown and evolved, including Jane Stevens who spent many years curating the website and the Participation Resource Centre, a physical collection of resources located at IDS. This still exists and we have a whole host of physical resources to catalogue (and ideally digitise), thanks to Robert Chambers donating his own collection (but are in need of funding to do so – find out more in “A participatory treasure trove“). Thank you to Jane, Robert and the many others who put time and effort into keeping this website going for so long.

Resources from the previous versions of the website were well-loved and pages are still available to browse if you search “Participatory Methods Archive” in our resources search.


Website development: GreenNet – a not-for-profit collective who have supported the Participatory Methods website with web development and hosting since its inception.

Design: Karen Beal

Illustrations: Tessa Lewin